About Me

Elia Piccoli is a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at the University of Pisa, supervised by Davide Bacciu and Vincenzo Lomonaco. He is a member of the Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (CIML) group and Pervasive AI Lab (PAILab). Furthermore, Elia is part of the Driverless Division at E-Team Squadra Corse working as advisor on the autonomous driving race car development via Reinforcement Learning.

His research interests focus on Reinforcement Learning, Lifelong Learning and compositionality. In particular, his current work is concerned on studying methodologies to combine and leverage pre-trained representations and models to expand Reinforcement Learning agents’ prior knowledge. At the same time, Elia is supervising several thesis, related to his research project, deepening different themes related to compositionality and representation learning for policies and tasks in lifelong scenarios.